News list for " Two items"

White House official: President Trump signs two proclamations extending the original content of the 2018 Section 232 investigation. Trump ends the product exclusion process.

White House official: President Trump signs two proclamations extending the original content of the 2018 Section 232 investigation. Trump ends the product exclusion process.

2025-02-10 22:41:49
Massachusetts has introduced two more bills on bitcoin strategic reserves

Cointelegraph published a statement saying that Massachusetts has introduced two more bills regarding the strategic reserve of bitcoin.

2025-01-19 01:06:15
Central bank: make good use of two structural monetary policy tools to support capital markets

On January 4th, the 2025 People's Bank of China Work Conference was held from January 3rd to 4th. The meeting emphasized that give full play to the central bank's macroprudential and financial stability functions, and hold the bottom line of no systemic financial risks. Improve the macroprudential policy framework, strengthen the study and judgment of systemic financial risks, and enrich the toolbox of macroprudential policies. Improve the monitoring, assessment, early warning and response mecha...

2025-01-04 10:59:59
Anza proposes to implement a penalty mechanism in Solana, and some of the tokens pledged by penalized validators will be destroyed

Anza has put forward two proposals to implement slashing in the network, mainly to punish validators for so-called "duplicate blocks", that is, when the same block is created twice. Anza has not yet decided on the specific economic details of the punishment mechanism, but the authors of SIMD propose to destroy (or functionally abolish) the penalized staked tokens. Anza's Ashwin Sekar also proposes a parabolic penalty curve: if the validator has 5% of the staking...

2024-12-19 15:44:23
Chainlink Launches Private Blockchain Transactions for Institutions

Chainlink has launched two new privacy features aimed at Financial Institution Groups that want to use blockchain applications while ensuring complete end-to-end privacy. The new privacy features include the Blockchain Privacy Manager, which supports the integration of private chains with the public Chainlink platform and a crypto protocol called CCIP Private Transactions. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ Bank) will be one of the first institutions to pilot Chainlink's privacy featur...

2024-10-22 08:37:48
Pan Gongsheng: Extend the duration of two real estate financial policy documents to 2026

On September 24th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on September 24th. Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People's Bank of China, said at the meeting that the time limit of the two real estate financial policy documents was extended. Previously, the People's Bank of China and the General Administration of Financial Supervision issued two phased policies of financial 16 and operational property loans. The valid period of the two policies will be extended from December 31, ...

2024-09-24 02:00:16
SSV Network Submits Two Important Proposals, Including Application for $6 million SSV for Technology Upgrade

The SSV Network recently submitted two important proposals at its Governance Forum, which are currently under discussion. The first proposal seeks to continue and extend the previous DIP-16 community and marketing management proposal, seeking additional funding for new events and marketing services. The proposal requests $191,830 and $150,000 in SSV tokens for PR, conferences and specific marketing campaigns, and an additional request for $1 million in SSV tokens as compensation for previous wor...

2024-09-03 06:33:34

7x24 Newsflash

16:10 2025-03-28
据官方公告,Coinbase 国际站将上线 L3、FAI 永续合约。L3-PERP 和 FAI-PERP 市场将于 4 月 3 日上午 17:30(UTC+8)或之后开始开放交易。
15:43 2025-03-28
据 Onchain Lens 监测,某鲸鱼向 Coinbase 存入 659,415 枚 LINK(约 942 万美元),浮盈 353 万美元。
15:40 2025-03-28
分析:交易员正密切关注比特币81,000美元支撑位 发布社区每日摘要称,整体市场情绪似乎主要持谨慎看跌态度,因为讨论围绕着比特币在关键趋势水平附近波动,并多次提到‘缺口回补’即将到来。交易员们正在关注 81,000 美元的比特币支撑位。
15:31 2025-03-28
据 Coinglass 数据,若比特币跌破 8.2 万美元,主流 CEX 累计多单清算强度将达 3.27 亿。反之,若比特币突破 8.6 万美元,主流 CEX 累计空单清算强度将达 2.41 亿。
15:07 2025-03-28
14:51 2025-03-28
数据:ARK Invest 当前持有价值超 5.5 亿美元的 Coinbase 股票
“木头姐”Cathie Wood旗下ARK Invest当前通过三只ETF持有价值超5.5亿美元的Coinbase股票,包括:ARKK(3.902亿美元)、ARKW(9140万美元)、ARKF(7020万美元)。
14:51 2025-03-28
据金十报道,美股三大股指低开低走,三大股指均跌超 1%。
14:45 2025-03-28
Coinbase宣布向纽约州居民开放Maple Finance (SYRUP)交易
Coinbase宣布向纽约州居民开放Maple Finance (SYRUP)交易,现在可以通过网站、iOS和安卓应用购买、出售、转换、发送、接收或存储相关资产。
14:39 2025-03-28
何一:memecoin 中不应出现自己和赵长鹏的信息
14:39 2025-03-28
据官方公告,Coinbase, Inc. 已获得纽约州金融服务部颁发的从事虚拟货币业务活动的许可。
14:33 2025-03-28
美国众议员 Zach Nunn(爱荷华州共和党议员)和 Jim Himes(康涅狄格州民主党议员)再次提出一项法案,以帮助打击数字资产平台上的非法金融和恐怖主义融资,此前该法案于去年在众议院通过,但未能在国会会议结束前在参议院取得进展。《金融技术保护法案》(FTPA)提议成立一个跨政府执法机构小组来帮助打击非法加密货币融资,该工作组将包括加密货币行业的领导者和分...
14:30 2025-03-28
虽然美国环比和同比PCE数据分别符合市场预测,但核心PCE当量均比预期高,或受此宏观因素影响比特币跌至84,500美元区间。分析师Michaël van de Poppe指出,当前市场处于震动状态,84000美元为关键支撑位,如果跌破该价位,比特币或将测试78000-80000美元,甚至更低之后才会反弹,更广泛的前景似乎还不足以支持持续牛市的说法。