News list for " Strategies"

Sol Strategies announced the acquisition of three Solana verification nodes

According to official news, Toronto-based cryptocurrency holding company Sol Strategies announced the acquisition of three additional Solana validators, including Laine, and The acquisition was completed at a price of 35 million Canadian dollars, paid through a combination of cash, Sol Strategies common stock and warrants. After the completion of the acquisition, Sol Strategies' SOL in pledge increased to 3.30 million. In addition, Sol Strategies appointed Laine founder Michael Hub...

2025-03-11 07:32:18
Sol Strategies宣布收购3个Solana验证节点

据官方消息,总部位于多伦多的加密货币控股公司 Sol Strategies 宣布收购了三个额外的 Solana 验证节点,包括 Laine,以及。完成此次收购的价格为 3500 万加元,通过现金、Sol Strategies 普通股和认股权证的组合支付。完成收购后,Sol Strategies 处于质押中的 SOL 增加到 330 万枚。 此外,Sol Strategies 任命 Laine 创始人 Michael Hubbard 为首席战略官。

2025-03-11 07:32:18
Sol Strategies adds 24,000 SOL worth about $3.34 million

Sol Strategies, a company listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange, announced that it has increased its holdings by 24,000 SOLs, worth about 3.34 million dollars (4.78 million Canadian dollars).

2025-03-07 23:14:28
Sol Strategies增持2.4万枚SOL,价值约334万美元

加拿大证交所上市公司 Sol Strategies 宣布已增持 2.4 万枚 SOL,价值约 334 万美元(478 万加拿大元)。

2025-03-07 23:14:28
Canadian-listed company Sol Strategies adds 12,456 SOL holdings

Sol Strategies, a company listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange, added 12,456 SOLs, bringing its total holdings to 226,798 SOLs, worth 64.20 million Canadian dollars.

2025-02-19 10:54:58
加拿大上市公司Sol Strategies增持12456枚SOL

加拿大证券交易所上市公司Sol Strategies增持12,456枚SOL,使总持仓达到226,798枚SOL,价值6420万加元。

2025-02-19 10:54:58
TDX Strategies宣布推出与CoinDesk 20指数挂钩的结构性产品

量化驱动型数字资产交易公司TDX Strategies在香港共识会议上宣布,该公司已与CoinDesk Indices合作推出最新产品:与CoinDesk 20指数(CD20)挂钩的结构性产品。 TDX首席执行官迪克-罗(DickLo)表示,此次合作将为投资者提供一个复杂的解决方案,在驾驭新兴数字资产市场的同时,优先考虑增长和风险管理。

2025-02-19 10:36:51
Canadian-listed company Sol Strategies spent about $5.05 million to increase its holdings of 24,374 SOLs

Canadian-listed company Sol Strategies announced that it will increase its holdings of 24,374 SOLs between January 31 and February 7, with a total value of C $7,278,994 (approximately US $5.05 million) and an average price of US $207.33 per piece (including fees and expenses). As of February 7, 2025, Sol Strategies and its subsidiaries held approximately 214,342 SOLs with a total purchase price of approximately CAD 55.6 million (approximately USD 39.5 million).

2025-02-11 03:00:52
加拿大上市公司Sol Strategies斥资约505万美元增持24374枚SOL

加拿大上市公司Sol Strategies宣布在1月31日至2月7日期间增持24,374枚SOL,总价值7,278,994加元(约505万美元),每枚均价207.33美元(包括费用和支出)。 截至2025年2月7日,Sol Strategies及其子公司共持有约214,342枚SOL,总购买价约为5,560万加元(约合3,950万美元)。

2025-02-11 03:00:52
加拿大上市公司Sol Strategies花费约994万美元增持约4万枚SOL

加拿大上市公司 Sol Strategies 发布公告披露,2025 年 1 月 19 日至 2025 年 1 月 31 日期间,公司以约 14,337,332 加元(9,935,329 美元)的价格完成了额外 40,300 枚 SOL 的购买,平均价格为每枚 SOL 355.77 加元(246.53 美元),其中包括费用和开支。公司还完成了250万美元的第二期可转换债券私募配售,其总收益通过支付 6,564.47 枚 SOL 来满足,平均每枚 SOL 价格为 380.84 加元(265.65 美元)。 截至 2025 ...

2025-02-04 16:43:56
Canadian-listed company Sol Strategies plans to raise 2.50 million Canadian dollars to expand its SOL position

Canadian-listed company Sol Strategies (CSE: HODL) announced an update to the terms of its second private funding round, which will issue convertible bonds and target 2.50 million Canadian dollars. The company said that after the completion of this round of financing, the total private placement will reach 30 million Canadian dollars, and the proceeds will be used to increase SOL holdings and expand validator node operations.

2025-01-23 00:23:21
加拿大上市公司Sol Strategies 拟募资 250 万加元扩大 SOL 持仓

加拿大上市公司 Sol Strategies(CSE:HODL)宣布更新其第二轮私募融资条款。该轮融资将发行可转换债券,目标募资 250 万加元。 公司表示,本轮融资完成后,其私募总额将达到 3000 万加元,所得资金将用于增加 SOL 持仓量并扩展验证者节点运营。

2025-01-23 00:23:21
Cypherpunk Holdings shares have risen more than 1,700% since renaming to Sol Strategies.

Cypherpunk Holdings has been renamed Sol Strategies since September 2024, and the company's stock price has risen by more than 1,700% since its debut. It is reported that the holding company has acquired two separate validator businesses, cumulatively holding more than 142,000 SOL, valued at about $27 million at current prices, after the company hired Kraken's former senior director of engineering as its head of pledge and filed for a Nasdaq listing. This week, the company signed a credit agreem...

2025-01-11 15:58:06
Cypherpunk Holdings 自更名为 Sol Strategies以来股价已上涨超 1700%

Cypherpunk Holdings 自 2024 年 9 月更名为 Sol Strategies,自其首次亮相以来,该公司股票价格已上涨超过 1700%。 据悉,该控股公司已收购了两个独立的验证器业务,累计持有超过 142,000 个 SOL,按当前价格计算价值约为 2700 万美元,此前该公司聘请了 Kraken 的前高级工程总监担任其质押主管,并申请在纳斯达克上市。本周,该公司与董事会主席签署了一项信贷协议,以购买价值 1730 万美...

2025-01-11 15:58:06
Listed company Sol Strategies announced the completion of 27.50 million Canadian dollars private financing, funds will be used to expand SOL reserves

On January 9th, Canadian listed company Sol Strategies Inc. (CSE: HODL) announced the completion of 27.50 million Canadian dollar private placement financing, which was fully subscribed by ParaFi Capital. The funds will be used to expand SOL reserves, expand the validator business and daily operations.

2025-01-09 22:56:01