Azuki has released the official trailer and key visuals for "Fractured Reflections," the second installment of the trilogy anime anthology series "Enter The Garden," produced by anime legend Goro Taniguchi, which will be released on the IP anime platform Anime in February 2025. Enter The Garden series is jointly produced by Azuki, Dentsu, and IMAGICA Infos.
Azuki发布“Fractured Reflections”官方预告片和关键视觉,据悉这是由动漫传奇人物谷口悟朗(Goro Taniguchi)制作的三部曲动漫选集系列“ Enter The Garden ”的第二部分,该集将于2025年2月在IP动漫平台Anime上推出,而Enter The Garden系列则是由Azuki、Dentsu、Qzil.la和IMAGICA Infos联合制作。
On December 12, according to community users, some Chinese mainland users of Alipay have recently received a promotion advertisement for cryptocurrency funds on the homepage, which reads "Global investment, cryptocurrency soaring, investment starts at 10 yuan, get on the bus immediately". After verification, the fund is Huabao Overseas Technology C (QDII-FOF-LOF), which is a mode of compliance investment in overseas assets, indirectly holding Coinbase stocks and ARK Invest bitcoin spot ETF. Curr...
Many different brokerage users reported that the bank transfer function card could not be operated, and money could not be transferred in and out.
Li Jiachao said in an exclusive interview that the state has requirements for Hong Kong, reflecting the central government's recognition that the SAR has advantages in finance, shipping and trade, and Hong Kong must make good use of it, carry forward it, and become bigger and stronger. Li Jiachao said that the Hong Kong government has promoted the healthy development of financial marekt in different ways. Take the stock market as an example. The government established a task force to promote sto...
According to Glassnode, Bitcoin's net realized profit/loss reflects the overall profitability of on-chain trading. Year-to-date volatility in the indicator has increased, peaking at Quarter 1, when Bitcoin surged above $70,000. Despite this rally, the indicator stabilized in the second half of 2024, indicating a balance between profits and losses as the market matured after the halving. Notes: Net realized profit/loss is the net profit or loss of all mobile coins, determined by the difference be...
On August 25, the joint investigation team found that the mixed transportation of edible vegetable oil by tankers was extremely bad in nature, violated basic common sense, and trampled on the bottom line of morality and the red line of the law. It was a typical illegal act and must be severely cracked down. The joint investigation team found that the transportation enterprise was responsible for management and was subject to administrative penalties in accordance with the Food Safety Law and the...
On August 21st, Reflection AI, a Web3 AI virtual personality social platform, completed a seed round of financing, with participation from CGV FOF, K24 Ventures, and CatcherVC. Reflection AI aims to provide users with a decentralized, secure, and highly personalized virtual social space by combining cutting-edge AI and blockchain technology. The core advantages of Reflection AI include a unique AI computing system, a distributed computing network, and an innovative computing power token conversi...
8月21日消息,Web3 AI 虚拟人格社交平台 Reflection AI 完成种子轮融资,CGV FOF、K24 Ventures和CatcherVC等参投。Reflection AI旨在通过结合尖端AI和区块链技术,为用户提供一个去中心化、安全且高度个性化的虚拟社交空间。 Reflection AI的核心优势包括独有的AI计算系统、分布式计算网络以及创新的计算力代币转换机制。平台支持用户创建和培养具有自主学习能力的AI虚拟人格,并...