News list for " Proof"

Berachain Jumps 14% as Proof of Liquidity Rewards Go Live
Berachain Jumps 14% as Proof of Liquidity Rewards Go Live

Proof of liquidity is live as reward vaults are released for Berachain, causing BERA to break into the top 100 crypto tokens by market cap.

2025-03-25 14:28:10
Coinbase released the cbBTC reserve certificate: the total reserve is 26602.6 BTC, and the reserve ratio exceeds 100%.

On February 19, Coinbase released the Proof of Reserves for cbBTC. As of February 19, the current total reserves were 26,602.6 BTC, the total supply was 26,490.13 cbBTC, and the reserve ratio exceeded 100%.

2025-02-19 00:28:03

2 月 19 日消息,Coinbase 发布 cbBTC 储备金证明(Proof of Reserves),截至 2 月 19 日,当前总储备为 26,602.6枚BTC,总供应量为 26,490.13 枚cbBTC,储备金率超过 100%。

2025-02-19 00:28:03
The home of Moonbirds founder Kevin Rose was destroyed by the Los Angeles wildfire

Kevin Rose, founder of the NFT company PROOF, whose Los Angeles home was completely destroyed in the recent California wildfires, shared footage of himself walking past burned cars and homes on social media platform Threads, saying: "It's a shame that everything was lost in the fire and nothing was left."

2025-01-13 01:39:26
Moonbirds 创始人 Kevin Rose 的家被洛杉矶野火摧毁

NFT 公司 PROOF 创始人 Kevin Rose 的洛杉矶住宅在近期的加利福尼亚野火中被完全摧毁。Rose 在社交平台 Threads 上分享了自己走过被烧毁的汽车和房屋的画面,并表示:“很遗憾,在火灾中失去了一切,什么都没剩下。”

2025-01-13 01:39:26
Babylon Labs Announces Strategic Investment in BitVM2 Development Company Fiamma

Bitcoin Proof of Stake Protocol Babylon Labs announced a strategic investment in BitVM2 development company Fiamma. The specific investment amount has not been disclosed yet. This investment will support its efforts to build a bitcoin bridge development software solution that minimizes trust to connect the Cosmos chain. It intends to integrate zero-knowledge technology into Bitcoin and reshape the application of Bitcoin in programmable blockchains and other fields.

2025-01-12 06:19:08
Aligned Foundation completes $1 million community financing

On January 9, the Aligned Foundation, a decentralized zero-knowledge proof verification layer, tweeted that it has completed $1 million community financing. Aligned Layer is a ZK validation layer developed on top of the EigenLayer. This will make the validation of any SNARK proof cost-effective, leveraging the security of an Ethereum validator without the limitations of Ethereum. As the EigenLayer AVS, it promises to provide an affordable validation and versatile proof system for L2 and bridges,...

2025-01-09 03:21:36
Polymarket: Prediction markets are more accurate than polls, media, and experts, congratulating Trump on his election victory

Polymarket has proven that prediction markets are smarter than polls, media, and experts. Polymarket has consistently accurately predicted results and is far ahead of all three, demonstrating the power of high-volume, highly liquid prediction markets like those pioneered by Polymarket. Polymarket is proud to be ahead of others in providing high-quality, transparent data to everyone around the world, and thanks visitors and traders for believing in Polymarket's vision and participating. Congratul...

2024-11-06 16:52:46
Zero-knowledge proof company NEBRA launches aggregation tool on World Chain

Zero-knowledge proof research firm NEBRA is launching its universal proof aggregator tool on World Chain, World's blockchain. The integration aims to reduce the cost of running ZK proofs on World Chain.

2024-10-31 22:13:04
Base has proof of failure enabled on the mainnet

Coinbase's two-layer chain Base has enabled proof-of-failure on the mainnet. According to a blog post by Base "Proof-of-failure is an important part from Stage 0 to Stage 1, where cryptocurrencies have'full training wheels', while in Stage 1, cryptocurrencies have'limited training wheels'. This year, the Base core team worked closely with Optimism to bring the OP stack error proofing system to Base. This enables a decentralized approach to proposing and verifying L2 status and paves the way for ...

2024-10-30 23:40:32
Base Announces Fault proofs Now Available on Mainnet

Base has announced that Fault proofs are live on the Base mainnet, allowing anyone to make or challenge proposals about L2 status in a permissionless manner. Base says that Fault proofs are a fundamental step towards decentralization. Another important step for Base to reach the first stage of decentralization is to add Security Council to its contract upgrade key. Once this step is completed, Base can only perform contract upgrades based on actions taken by Optimism Security Council, which only...

2024-10-30 17:11:11
Base宣布Fault proofs已于主网上线

Base 宣布 Fault proofs 已于 Base 主网上线,使任何人都可以以无需许可的方式提出或质疑有关 L2 状态的 proposal。 Base 表示,Fault proofs 是其迈向去中心化的基础一步。Base 达到第一阶段去中心化的另一个重要步骤是将 Security Council 添加到其合约升级密钥中,一旦这一步完成,Base 只能根据 Optimism Security Council 采取的行动进行合约升级,而 Optimism Security Council 只采取 Optimism Governance...

2024-10-30 17:11:11
The Crypto Innovation Council, in collaboration with the Proof of Stake Alliance, will delve into issues such as pledge regulation

The Council for Cryptocurrency Innovation (CCI) plans to work with one of its members, the Proof-of-Stake Alliance (POSA), to further delve into the issue of staking. The CCI said the market value of staking has increased from $19 million in 2019 to more than $500 billion. U.S. lawmakers have been working on legislation around staking taxes, and the Securities Exchange Commission has also brought charges against the staking schemes of several companies, including Kraken, Consensys, and Coinbase....

2024-10-30 11:18:00
Celestia announces proof-of-concept Mammoth Mini testnet results: average permissionless data throughput of 27 MB/s

On October 23rd, Celestia Labs announced the results of the proof-of-concept Mammoth Mini testnet, with an average permissionless data throughput of 27 MB/s. Many improvements to Mammoth Mini (e.g. FBSS) have ended the research phase and entered the design phase. Others (such as Vacuum! and the redesigned QUIC-based p2p stack) are in the prototype and MVP stages, and iterative improvements are underway. The core developer community hopes to present these improvements when they are ready for depl...

2024-10-23 05:41:26
ZEROBASE raises $5 million to build Proof of Privacy Network

ZEROBASE, a real-time ZK proof network launched by Salus, raised $5 million to create a privacy-preserving computation network tailored to the ZK use case.

2024-10-19 00:33:48

7x24 Newsflash

16:28 2025-03-27
加密风投Maven 11旗下第三只基金完成1.07亿美元募资
加密风投 Maven 11 旗下第三只基金完成 1.07 亿美元募资,该募资规模高于最初的 1 亿美元目标,但低于预期。Maven 11 的首席投资官兼管理合伙人 Balder Bomans 表示,鉴于当前总体市场状况,资本提供者对风险投资更加敏感。
16:28 2025-03-27
Hyperliquid 在 X 平台发文称,ETH 存款、取款和现货交易现已上线。
16:25 2025-03-27
Tether跨链稳定币USDT0已部署至Optimism Superchain
Tether 跨链稳定币 USDT0 已部署至 Optimism Superchain,Optimism 宣布 USDT0 现已在 OP 主网上线。Superchain 是一个二层链网络,旨在通过 Optimism 的 OP Stack 扩展以太坊,部署 USDT0 有望推动 Superchain 吸引更多头部资产、应用和合作伙伴加入。
16:03 2025-03-27
Taproot Wizards:所有剩余NFT已售罄,预计将在24小时内向铸造者分发
比特币 NFT 项目 Taproot Wizards 在社交平台发文表示,“所有剩余的 Taproot Wizards 已售罄,最终结算价格为 0.31BTC。预计将在未来 24 小时内向铸造者分发 Taproot Wizards。”
15:57 2025-03-27
Jupiter推出Quick Accounts,支持即时无签名交易
Jupiter 宣布推出 Quick Accounts,据悉,Quick Accounts 是嵌入 Jupiter 的钱包,可进行即时无签名交易,并且支持以类似机器人的性能进行交易。
15:54 2025-03-27
美SEC候任主席Paul Atkins:若提名得到确认将会与DOGE合作
美国证券交易委员会主席提名人 Paul Atkins 出席参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会的确认听证会,他表示若提名得到确认,将会与马斯克的政府效率部(DOGE)合作。
15:54 2025-03-27
Circle 宣布推出 USDCKit,这是一个开发者友好的 SDK(软件开发包),供 PSP 集成和自动化 USDC 支付,支持大规模操作。 据悉,USDCKit 专为 Circle Wallets 打造,可实现跨境支付并通过稳定币简化资金运营。
15:42 2025-03-27
据 Lookonchain 监测,今日 10 只美国比特币 ETF 净流入 1030 枚 BTC,其中贝莱德流入 1250 枚 BTC,目前贝莱德持有 575811 枚 BTC,价值约合 501.4 亿美元;9 只以太坊 ETF 净流出 1433 枚 ETH,其中灰度以太坊迷你信托基金流出 850 枚 ETH,当前灰度以太坊迷你信托基金持有 458884 枚 ETH,价值约合 9.28 亿美元。
15:39 2025-03-27
USDC Treasury于以太坊链上再次新增铸造5000万枚USDC
据 Whale Alert 监测,2 分钟前,USDC Treasury 于以太坊链上再次新增铸造 5000 万枚 USDC。
15:33 2025-03-27
汇款应用 Abound 宣布完成 1400 万美元融资, NEAR Foundation 领投,Circle Ventures、Times Internet 和其他投资者参投,该公司计划利用新资金扩大业务范围、增加产品种类、以及改善技术基础设施,并且计划逐步进入加拿大、新加坡和阿联酋等市场。
15:24 2025-03-27
USDC Treasury于以太坊链上新增铸造5000万枚USDC
据 Whale Alert 监测,USDC Treasury 于以太坊链上新增铸造 5000 万枚 USDC。
15:24 2025-03-27
分析师 PlanB 表示,“相较于黄金和房地产市场,比特币似乎被严重低估。比特币市值为 2 万亿美元,而黄金为 20 万亿美元。比特币的稀缺性(S2F 比率)为 120 年,而黄金为 60 年。”