News list for " Mike"

US Congressman Mike Collins Accepts Cryptocurrency Donations for Campaign

U.S. Congressman Mike Collins said his congressional campaign will officially accept cryptocurrency donations starting March 5. Donations can be made in cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, SOL, and USDT. "Whether it's artificial intelligence, machine learning or emerging assets such as cryptocurrencies, the US has long been hampered by a reluctance to adapt to new technologies," Collins said in a statement. "I hope that by launching this platform, we can remove society's bias against t...

2025-03-06 00:29:24
美众议员Mike Collins接受加密货币捐款用于竞选

美众议员 Mike Collins 表示其国会竞选活动自 3 月 5 日起正式接受加密货币捐款。捐款可使用 BTC、ETH、LTC、DOGE、SOL 和 USDT 等加密货币进行。 Collins 在声明中表示:“无论是人工智能、机器学习,还是加密货币等新兴资产,美国长期以来因不愿适应新技术而受到阻碍。我希望通过推出这一平台,能够消除社会对加密行业的偏见。”

2025-03-06 00:29:24
Mike Alfred:华尔街正试图压低比特币以对Strategy和其他杠杆代理施压

Alpine Fox LP创始人兼管理合伙人Mike Alfred发推称,一些迹象表明,华尔街的大型参与者正试图压低比特币,以对Strategy和其他杠杆代理施加压力,这似乎很有效。如果他们能够将比特币价格压低到足够低的程度,将摧毁这些公司用来增加比特币的简单资本市场机制。在这种环境下,以远低于市场价格的方式有机地生成新比特币要比使用债务或股权在公开...

2025-03-04 12:54:43
Galaxy CEO calls on global leaders to take action against hacking group Lazarus Group

Galaxy CEO Mike Novogratz issued a statement on the X platform calling on global leaders to take action against the hacking group Lazarus Group, while praising Bybit for completing a world-class resolution after the attack.

2025-02-22 17:20:18
Galaxy CEO呼吁全球领导人对黑客组织Lazarus Group采取行动

Galaxy首席执行官Mike Novogratz在X平台发文呼吁全球领导人对黑客组织Lazarus Group采取行动,同时称赞Bybit在遭到攻击后完成了世界级的解决工作。

2025-02-22 17:20:18
The original founder of The Block, Mike Dudas, promoted the project LinksDAO: the token has not yet been launched, alerting the community to the risk

The original founder of The Block, Mike Dudas, the main project LinksDAO, posted a reminder on the X platform that the $LINKS token is expected to be launched in the future, but it has not yet been launched, and any so-called "$LINKS" tokens currently launched in the community are not its official tokens.

2025-02-12 11:39:36
The Block原创始人Mike Dudas主推项目LinksDAO:代币尚未上线,提醒社区注意风险

The Block原创始人Mike Dudas主推项目LinksDAO在X平台发文提醒,$LINKS代币预计会在未来推出,但目前尚未上线,目前在社区中推出的任何所谓“$LINKS”代币均不是其官方代币,提醒社区注意风险。

2025-02-12 11:39:36
US senators again introduce "CBDC ban bill"

According to News, US Senator Mike Lee has reintroduced the No CBDC Act, which aims to permanently block Federal Reserve-backed digital currencies. The bill has the joint support of Senators Ted Cruz and Rick Scott.

2025-02-09 14:54:41
美参议员再次提出“禁止 CBDC 法案”

据 News 报道,美国参议员迈克·李(Mike Lee)重新提出《禁止 CBDC 法案》(No CBDC Act),该法案旨在永久阻止美联储支持的数字货币。该法案获得参议员特德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)和里克·斯科特(Rick Scott)的联合支持。

2025-02-09 14:54:41
Galaxy Digital founder: Ethereum market sentiment "extremely pessimistic"

Mike Novogratz, founder and chief executive of Galaxy Digital, who believes that Ethereum has failed to keep pace with other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Solana, said in an interview: "The market sentiment for Ethereum is extremely pessimistic. I think the biggest reason is Gensler's vague definition of ETH, he sued Consensys, is ETH a security? So there is some regulatory pressure on Ethereum." Discussing...

2025-02-07 03:01:59
Galaxy Digital创始人:以太坊的市场情绪“极度悲观”

Galaxy Digital 创始人兼首席执行官 Mike Novogratz 他认为以太坊未能跟上比特币和 Solana 等其他加密货币的步伐,Novogratz在采访中表示:“以太坊的市场情绪极度悲观。我认为,最大原因是 Gensler 对 ETH 模糊的定义,他起诉了 Consensys,ETH 到底是不是证券?所以以太坊受到了一些监管压力。” 在讨论...

2025-02-07 03:01:59
Morning News List of important developments overnight on January 4

21:00-7:00 Keywords: Base, Korea, Mike Johnson, MicroStrategy 1. Bitcoin hash rate hits a record high. 2. Based on considering the launch of tokenized COIN shares; 3. The United States accounts for more than 40% of the global Bitcoin hash rate. 4. Chairperson of the Korean Exchange: Interested in launching a cryptocurrency ETF in 2025. 5. Crypto-friendly Mike Johnson was successfully re-elected as Speaker of the US House of Representatives. The FTX debtor restructuring plan has come into effect,...

2025-01-04 07:56:42

21:00-7:00关键词:Base、韩国、Mike Johnson、MicroStrategy 1.比特币哈希率创历史新高; 2.Base考虑推出代币化COIN股票; 3.美国占全球比特币哈希率的40%以上; 4.韩国交易所主席:有兴趣在2025年推出加密货币ETF; 5.对加密友好的Mike Johnson成功连任美国众议院议长; 6.FTX债务人重组计划已生效,首批客户将在60天内获得退款; 7.美联储巴尔金:2025年的基本前景积极,增长...

2025-01-04 07:56:42
Market news: A second Republican congressman voted against Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. Voting is still ongoing.

Market news: A second Republican congressman voted against Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. Voting is still ongoing.

2025-01-04 02:22:59
Crypto-friendly Mike Johnson has been re-elected as Speaker of the US House of Representatives

On Friday afternoon local time, Trump-backed Republican Representative Mike Johnson received enough votes to be re-elected as House Speaker. Johnson is considered a crypto-friendly figure, having previously voted in favor of the 21st Century Financial Innovation and Technology Act (commonly known as FIT21) and the Anti-Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Act. Johnson's re-election and Emmer's continued tenure as the majority whip mean that crypto-friendly members of Congress are likely to push ...

2025-01-04 06:02:02