News list for " Electricity"

Pakistan is considering attracting bitcoin miners to consume excess electricity

The Pakistani government is exploring ways to attract bitcoin mining operators to consume excess electricity and reduce the financial burden on the power sector. The country's energy ministry has consulted with relevant parties to design special electricity tariffs for emerging industries such as cryptocurrency mining.

2025-03-22 08:53:16
According to the Wall Street Journal, Ontario, Canada will impose a 25% export tax on electricity exported to the United States.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Ontario, Canada will impose a 25% export tax on electricity exported to the United States.

2025-03-04 15:42:01
The "black miners" caused the Russian electricity company "Rosseti" to lose more than 1.30 billion rubles

On February 18, according to Itar-Tass News Agency, in 2024, the Russian power company "Rosseti" will lose more than 1.30 billion rubles due to "black miners" illegally connecting to the grid and not metering electricity. Among them, "Rosseti North Caucasus" company lost the most, more than 600 million rubles; "Rosseti Novosibirsk" company lost 400 million rubles; "Ross...

2025-02-18 10:56:57
The severe cold weather in the United States has reduced the difficulty of bitcoin mining for the first time in four months

Due to the cold wave in the United States, the increase in electricity prices has led to the first reduction in the difficulty of bitcoin mining since the end of September 2024. According to the statistics of bitcoin mining company Luxor, the United States accounts for 36% of the global bitcoin hashrate, of which Texas contributes nearly half. The polar cold snap in January caused the cost of electricity in the United States to rise, and mining companies' profits were frustrated. Mining difficul...

2025-02-01 21:17:33
Siberian Electric Power plans to prosecute 400 "illegal" crypto miners

According to Tim Alper, Siberian electricity company Irkutsk Energosbyt plans to file a lawsuit against about 400 illegal cryptocurrency miners who are accused of "stealing" $6.30 million worth of electricity from the grid. The company said the miners were illegally using electricity for crypto mining, particularly by installing energy-intensive mining equipment on garages, private homes, apartment balconies and garden plots, resulting in increased load on the household power grid and possible a...

2025-01-21 02:07:09
National Bureau of Statistics: The industrial power production on the scale grew steadily. In October, the industrial power generation on the scale 731 billion kWh, an increase of 2.1% year-on-year; the average daily industrial power generation on the scale 23.58 billion kWh. From January to October, the industrial power generation on the scale 7.8027 trillion...

National Bureau of Statistics: on-scale industrial power production grew steadily. In October, on-scale industrial power generation 731 billion kWh, an increase of 2.1%; on-scale industrial daily power generation 23.58 billion kWh. From January to October, on-scale industrial power generation 7.8027 trillion kWh, an increase of 5.2%.

2024-11-15 02:02:21
In September 2024, the electricity consumption of the whole society increased by 8.5% year-on-year.

October 19th news, October 19th, the National Energy Administration released data on the electricity consumption of the whole society in September. In September, the electricity consumption of the whole society 847.50 billion kWh, an increase of 8.5% year-on-year. From the perspective of electricity consumption by industry, the electricity consumption of the primary industry 12.10 billion kWh, an increase of 6.4% year-on-year; the electricity consumption of the secondary industry 537.90 billion ...

2024-10-19 00:07:25
Ethiopia Increases Bitcoin Mining Electricity Distribution to 600 trillion Watts

Ethiopia has increased its power allocation to bitcoin mining to 600 trillion watts, making it one of the fastest growing bitcoin mining markets in the world. According to Ethan Vera, co-founder and CEO of bitcoin mining firm Luxor, the African country plans to add several hundred megawatts of power by the end of this year. Earlier this year, Ethiopia signed power supply agreements with 21 mining companies, mainly from China, demonstrating its success.

2024-10-11 08:21:02
The second round of home appliance trade-in implementation rules was released, with a maximum subsidy of 2,000 yuan per product

On August 25th, the general offices of the Ministry of Commerce and other four departments recently issued a notice on further doing a good job in the trade-in of home appliances. It is mentioned that all localities should coordinate the use of central and local funds to give trade-in subsidies to 8 types of home appliances for individual consumers to purchase refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, air conditioners, computers, water heaters, household stoves, and range hoods with energy e...

2024-08-25 09:17:18
Paraguay's National Electricity Authority Seizes 693 Illegal Bitcoin Miners

Paraguay's National Electricity Authority (ANDE) recently discovered and seized an illegal bitcoin mining operation with 693 miners. ANDE inspectors discovered a tampered meter that failed to record all the electricity consumed by devices connected to the grid. The detection was carried out using the SCADA system.

2024-08-24 00:33:22
Satoshi Wallet Lightning Payment 18 million

According to the official website data, Satoshi wallet lightning payment volume exceeded 18 million.

2024-08-17 13:46:14
Paraguayan mining companies have urged the country's electricity commission to reconsider raising electricity prices, saying it could cost $1.50 billion

On July 19, Paraguay's national grid operator, the National Electricity Authority (ANDE), announced at a press conference that it will continue to raise electricity prices for legal crypto miners as planned. However, Paraguay's crypto miners have urged the country's regulators to reconsider the upcoming increase, arguing that it will hurt the country's economy and could cause losses of up to $1.50 billion.

2024-07-22 13:34:42
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Optimize the residential ladder water price, electricity price and gas price system, and improve the pricing mechanism of refined oil products

On July 21, the "Decision" pointed out that it is necessary to improve the price mechanism of factors mainly determined by the relationship between market supply and demand, and prevent the government from improper intervention in the formation of prices. Improve the mechanism in which factors of production such as labor, capital, land, knowledge, technology, management, and data are evaluated and contributed by the market, and the reward is determined according to the contribution. Promote pric...

2024-07-21 09:05:29
Putin: Cryptocurrency mining accounts for 1.6% of Russia's electricity consumption

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that cryptocurrency mining accounts for 1.6% of Russia's electricity consumption.

2024-07-17 10:55:46

7x24 Newsflash

02:03 2025-03-23
据NBC新闻,今天,数百名抗议者聚集在位于曼哈顿米特帕金区的特斯拉展厅外,作为“打倒特斯拉”运动的一部分。几周以来,包括Action Network、People Over Profits和Disruption Project在内的团体组织了抗议活动,谴责特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克及其参与联邦政府的行为。近期,除了全国各地的和平抗议活动外,至少有80起特斯拉汽车遭到破坏或纵火的报道成为美国和加拿大的头...
01:39 2025-03-23
据链上分析师余烬监测,AUCTION 今晨价格下跌起源于项目方的一个多签地址从 03:13 开始转出 35.9 万枚 AUCTION (价值约合 2048 万美元)到币安、OKX、Gate 等交易所。项目方地址 03:13 开始转出,AUCTION 价格从 03:15 开始下跌。
01:18 2025-03-23
据 Onchain Lens 监测,12 小时前,某新创建的钱包从 Coinbase 提取了 95,011 枚 SOL(价值约合 1236 万美元),并将其发送用于质押。
00:44 2025-03-23
据链上分析师余烬监测,“从币安提出 200 万枚 AUCTION 巨鲸/机构”过去 3 小时分两次将 75 万枚 AUCTION 转进币安,价值约合 2925 万美元。AUCTION 价格也从 57 美元回调到 29 美元。目前,他在链上还持有 75 万枚的 AUCTION,价值约合 2385 万美元。
00:41 2025-03-23
据 CryptoSlam 数据显示,本周 NFT 交易额降至 1.02 亿美元,较前一周下降 3.19%。NFT 购买者数量增长 71%,达到 350,063 人;NFT 卖家数量增长 68.57%,至 225,465 人;NFT 交易笔数增长 16.90%,至 1,696,996 笔。 以太坊网络 NFT 交易下降 13.03% 至 2770 万美元,但买家数增长了 42.17%,达到 44,850 人。比特币网络交易额下降 30.69%,至 1,630 万美元,买家人数上升了 63.67%,达到 31,251 人。
00:20 2025-03-23
据 Onchain Lens 监测,一名鲸鱼将价值 2114 万美元的 50 万枚 AUCTION 存入 Binance,获利 1326 万美元。该鲸鱼一个月前积累了这些 AUCTION,价值 787 万美元。
23:50 2025-03-22
23:32 2025-03-22
金色晨讯 | 3月23日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:巨鲸、ETF、Ripple 1.某巨鲸休眠8年后转移超2.5亿美元比特币; 2.本周美国以太坊现货ETF累计净流出1.029亿美元; 3.日本上市房企Open House Group宣布接受XRP、SOL和DOGE支付; 4.美媒:Ripple诉讼被撤销标志美SEC针对加密货币行业的讨伐已经结束; 5.数据:本周美国比特币ETF买入8775枚BTC,矿工产出仅为3150枚BTC; 6.Max Keiser:以黄金为支撑的稳定币将在全球市...
22:40 2025-03-22
22:04 2025-03-22
21:36 2025-03-22
Max Keiser:以黄金为支撑的稳定币将在全球市场中超越与美元挂钩的稳定币
根据比特币极端主义者Max Keiser的说法,由于黄金的抗通胀特性和最小的波动性,黄金支持的稳定币将在全球范围内超越美元挂钩的替代品。Keiser认为,在全球范围内,黄金比美元更受信任,并表示与美国存在敌对关系的外国政府不会接受美元挂钩的稳定币。 这位比特币极端主义者补充说:“俄罗...
21:12 2025-03-22
3月23日,Coinmarketcap数据显示,山寨币季节指数(Altcoin Season Index)现报21,该指数显示在过去90天内,市值前100加密货币中约21个项目涨幅超越比特币,市场仍处于比特币主导的季节。 据悉,CMC加密货币山寨季指数是一个实时指标,用于判断当前加密货币市场是否处于山寨币主导的季节。该指数基于前100大山寨币在过去90天内相对于比特币的表现。