News list for " Connecticut"

AP: Vice President Harris is expected to win Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts

According to the Associated Press, Vice President Harris is expected to win Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.

2024-11-06 09:05:43
A Missouri man has been sentenced to three years in prison for cryptocurrency and tax fraud

The U.S. District Attorney's Office for the District of Connecticut recently announced that Missouri resident Lyell Champagne Jr. has been sentenced to three years in federal prison for fraud and tax crimes involving cryptocurrencies. The case was investigated by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). According to court documents, the Justice Department explained that between March 2021 and April 2022, the man and co-conspirator Kristian Gupta...

2024-09-13 13:08:34