News list for " Caster County"

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, is expected to complete the count of mail-in ballots tonight

Election Day went well, with more than half of the 64,000 mail-in ballots scanned by 3 p.m., election officials in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, said. Officials expect to complete the mail-in ballots count by midnight tonight. County Chief Josh Parsons said turnout could be record this year, with long lines already showing up at some suburban and rural polling places.

2024-11-06 06:07:48
Trump voters in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, believe it will be a close race

A voter who voted for former President Donald Trump in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, said she thinks the presidential race will be intense. "The voting was" quick and easy, "she said, and there are two reasons to vote for Trump, the economy and his stance on immigration. The most important thing is the economy, and I think this county will be very close."

2024-11-05 23:41:30