According to OpenSea data, BAYC #7398 has been purchased by BendDAO community buyer vis.eth for 130 ETH (~ $324,000) by MortPoker, the Bored Ape, a pure golden-fur primate with seven characteristics, wearing a flanged BAYC hat, a sleeveless T-shirt, and a silver hoop earring. It is ranked 71st in rarity according to Rarity Sniper. It is reported that vis.eth had purchased the Anywhere side virtual land plot, Etherdeed, for 333 ETH in May 2022. #33, and then in August of that year at a price of 7...
据OpenSea数据显示,BAYC #7398已经以130 ETH(约合324,000美元)的价格被BendDAO社区买家vis.eth购得,卖家是MortPoker,该Bored Ape是一只拥有七种特征的纯金毛皮灵长类动物,戴着一顶翻边BAYC帽子、一件无袖T恤和一只银色环状耳环。根据Rarity Sniper数据显示其稀有度排名第71位。 据悉,vis.eth曾在2022年五月以333 ETH购入Otherside虚拟地块Otherdeed #33,之后又在当年八月以777 ETH(约合1,478,000美元)的价...