News list for " 18118000"

Metis: Proposed hard fork at block height 18118000

According to the official news, Metis announced the intention to carry out a hard fork at block height 18118000. This hard fork will enable EIP-3855, introduce the PUSH0 (0x5f) instruction, and push the constant value 0 to the stack and add the placeholder parameter of the L1 fee to the L2 transaction for use in future calculations, with the aim of ensuring the continued stability and functionality of the network.

2024-08-08 18:50:08

据官方消息,Metis宣布拟于区块高度18118000处进行硬分叉,本次硬分叉将启用EIP-3855,引入 PUSH0 (0x5f) 指令以及将常量值 0 推送到堆栈并在 L2 交易中添加 L1 费用的占位符参数,以便在以后的计算中使用,旨在确保网络的持续稳定性和功能性。

2024-08-08 18:50:08