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The Bank of Canada found that Canadians are cautious about adopting a digital dollar

2024-10-29 16:47:39
Canadian consumers have expressed skepticism about the Bank of Canada's (BOC) early widespread adoption of the digital dollar concept. The Bank of Canada recently conducted research to understand changes in consumer payment preferences, with the ultimate aim of preparing for the development of an internal central bank digital currency (CBDC). The Bank of Canada's research report released on October 28 reaffirms Canadians' long-standing fondness for traditional fiat payment systems, while growing support for the issuance of digital Canadian dollars.
By contrast, 42 per cent of participants in the latest survey had a good initial impression of the hypothetical digital Canadian dollar, while only 20 per cent "disliked" or "hated" the idea at all. The remaining 38 per cent were either neutral or said they lacked knowledge of the technology.