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Vitalik responds to "why the foundation does not pledge ETH": is considering providing grants in a specific form

2024-10-27 14:22:23
Vitalik responded to community questions on X, "I want to know why the Ethereum Foundation doesn't pledge all its ETH holdings like the Nobel Prize Foundation, and only uses the income to cover the cost? Why don't you consider market sentiment and everyone's voice and insist on selling ETH regularly? You have always claimed that the Ethereum POS is safe, why not pledge ETH yourself? Do you lack confidence in the POS?"
One internal reason is that we don't want to be forced to make an "official choice" when a controversial hard fork happens, Vitalik said about this. The idea being considered is to offer some grants in the form of "you can stake our ETH, you can choose how you want to stake it, as long as it's ethical and keeps the edge". Another way to address this would be to spread the legitimacy and resources out to more places, so there are multiple organizations in the eyes of people that are seen to represent Ethereum credibly. In this regard, we are in a much better position than we were two years ago.