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Putin: BRICS countries have reached an agreement on the list of BRICS partners

2024-10-25 04:57:59
On October 24 local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a press conference on the Kazan BRICS summit. Putin said that the Kazan BRICS summit was attended by delegations from 35 countries and regions and 6 international organizations. The broad participation of the BRICS summit shows the authority and role of the BRICS cooperation mechanism. All participants saw that the most important feature of the BRICS cooperation mechanism is mutual respect. The BRICS cooperation mechanism is not closed, it is open to all countries that share its values. Putin said that the BRICS countries have agreed on the list of BRICS partners, which will be announced after these countries agree to accept the status of partners. Putin said that the BRICS countries will strengthen inter-bank exchanges and cooperation in the financial sector, but instead of establishing an alternative system to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), they are using the existing system. (CCTV News)