The non-profit Opentensor Foundation (OTF) has announced that it has officially made its Ethereum-compatible layer available on Bittensor. According to the team: "Using this EVM feature, developers can now deploy smart contracts using tools such as Solidity, Truffle, and Metamask." The project documentation points out the following features: Deploy and interact with any Ethereum smart contract on the subtensor blockchain without making any changes to it. Access all standard Ethereum JSON-RPC methods from the EVM compatibility layer on Bittensor. When this EVM feature is turned on, it allows the subtensor blockchain to execute Ethereum-compatible smart contracts.
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普华永道(PwC)意大利分公司与区块链咨询公司 SKChain Advisors 达成合作,基于 Base 网络开发欧盟合规数字身份产品,该方案将利用 World Mobile Chain(Base 上的三层网络)构建自主身份系统(SSI),允许欧洲企业与用户凭单一数字身份访问各类 Web3 应用。
该数字身份方案将严格遵循欧盟《数字身份监管框架 2.0》(eIDAS 2.0)及配套的「欧洲数字身份钱包」(EUDI...
据消息人士透露,OpenAI 创始人 Sam Altman 旗下 World Network 正在与支付巨头 Visa 接触洽谈稳定币支付钱包事宜。据悉,负责监管 Worldcoin 和 World Network 的公司 Tools for Humanity 向信用卡发行商 Visa 发出了一份产品表格请求。
据知情人士透露,World Network 是一个基于区块链的生态系统,旨在扩展生物特征识别系统 Worldcoin 的功能,与 Visa 接触或计划将链上卡功能与自保加密钱包相链接。