Citadel Securities and Jane Street Group LLC, the US market-making firms, are on track for record annual revenues. Citadel Securities' first-half net trading income rose 81 per cent from a year earlier to $4.90 billion, while Jane Street rose 78 per cent to $8.40 billion, according to people familiar with the matter, both well above the pace needed to hit record annual highs.
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据NBC新闻,今天,数百名抗议者聚集在位于曼哈顿米特帕金区的特斯拉展厅外,作为“打倒特斯拉”运动的一部分。几周以来,包括Action Network、People Over Profits和Disruption Project在内的团体组织了抗议活动,谴责特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克及其参与联邦政府的行为。近期,除了全国各地的和平抗议活动外,至少有80起特斯拉汽车遭到破坏或纵火的报道成为美国和加拿大的头...