Telegram CEO Durov's four-day stay ends at 2 a.m. on the 29th
2024-08-28 20:32:58
On August 28th, according to Bloomberg, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been detained in Paris for four days on suspicion of allowing criminals to move freely on its platform. According to French law, Durov's detention time cannot exceed 8 pm local time (2:00 am Beijing time on August 29th, for a total of 96 hours). At that time, Durov will be taken to a Paris court, where the investigating judge will decide whether to bring charges against him or release him as a key witness in the investigation. If charged, another judge will decide whether to impose restrictions on his movements or require him to pay bail. French authorities are investigating allegations that he allegedly refused to assist in lawful wiretapping, allowed the dissemination of child sexual abuse material, and assisted in drug dealing. Telegram has issued a statement saying Mr. Durov has "nothing to hide" and stressing that the platform complies with European law.