European Union launches accuracy review of Telegram, questioning user numbers it provides
2024-08-27 21:44:38
The European Union is reviewing the accuracy of data provided by social media platform Telegram on the number of users in Europe to determine whether it should impose strict rules on how it operates in the European Union. Telegram told the European Union in February that it had 41 million MAU users in Europe, just below the "Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) " threshold set by the European Union's Digital Services Act for 45 million per month. "If we have doubts, as is the case now... we can launch an investigation to see what methods they used," the European Union Commission said. The European Union Commission said it had the right to unilaterally designate Telegram as a "mega-online platform" if it deemed the data to be inaccurate and Telegram did meet the user threshold. (Financial Times)