Pavel Durov arrested in connection with cybercrime probe into "cryptography" service
2024-08-27 06:47:16
Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has been arrested as part of a large-scale cybercrime investigation, which faces charges including the provision of unauthorized "cryptographic" services and tools, according to a statement released by the Paris judicial court. "Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of the instant messaging platform Telegram, was arrested on Saturday, August 24, 2024, at Le Bourget airport on the outskirts of Paris, and was taken into police custody at 8pm," the statement said. The move was carried out in the context of a judicial investigation that began on July 8, 2024, after a preliminary investigation had been launched by the anti-cybercrime unit of the Paris prosecutor's office. The judicial investigation is charged with the provision of cryptographic services and tools ". The documents also list several other charges, including conspiracy to "possess pornographic images of minors" and "launder the proceeds of a criminal organization." Mr. Durov is being questioned as part of a cybercrime investigation.