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Opinion: SUI shows multiple bullish signals, and may usher in interesting progress

2024-08-12 10:38:47
Mechanism Capital co-founder Andrew Kang wrote in X that although there is no exact information, he believes SUI may be about to see some interesting developments. Kang listed five reasons to support this prediction:
1. Raoul Pal, who is a member of the advisory board, published a series of posts in support of SUI.
2. There is a large counter demand over the market;
3. Despite the large-scale unlocking, the holder remains relatively strong.
4. The SUI price trend is positive and there is no correction.
5. Recent Mysiceti performance upgrades could lead to interesting new applications.
Kang also added that there have been comments that SUI is issuing grants to propagandists, which would be a bullish signal if true.