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The yield of interbank main interest rate bonds increased, with the largest adjustment for 5-7 years. The yield of 10-year Treasury active bonds "24 interest-bearing Treasury bonds 11" rose by 2.25bp, and the yield of 7-year Treasury active bonds "24 interest-bearing Treasury bonds 13" rose by 4.8bp...

2024-08-08 13:42:40
The yield of interbank main interest rate bonds increased, with the largest adjustment for 5-7 years. The yield of 10-year Treasury active bonds "24 interest-bearing Treasury bonds 11" rose by 2.25bp, the yield of 7-year Treasury active bonds "24 interest-bearing Treasury bonds 13" rose by 4.8bp, and the yield of 30-year Treasury active bonds "23 interest-bearing Treasury bonds 23" rose by 1.5bp.