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Dividends stalled? Look, incremental money is buying.

2024-06-25 17:19:45
On June 25th, according to Wind data, as of June 21st, the CSI dividend index has fallen by about 6% in the past month, and a number of dividend-themed ETFs have also experienced a decline of more than 5% in the recent past. Da'an Gene, Vanke A and other components of the CSI dividend index have fallen by more than 20%. Dividend strategy has stalled? Or is it a rare opportunity to cover positions on dips? Many fund managers told reporters that at present, the macro environment has not undergone fundamental changes, and the characteristics of low valuation and high dividend of dividend assets have not undergone fundamental changes. Dividend strategy is still a relatively favorable solution at present. Many incremental funds are waiting for an opportunity in the process of correction.