On June 12, the official of Metaverse project Highstreet said in the Telegram community: "We recently conducted an investigation into the price fluctuations of Highstreet. The results of the investigation confirmed that these fluctuations were caused by a malicious attack on our community. Specifically, it has been confirmed that an entity has withdrawn 20 million HIGH tokens, 9 million of which came directly from a Korean exchange. Our team and investors carried out an active defense, digesting 8 million of the 20 million tokens that were sold. However, since these people bought tokens on Bithumb and washed them through the BSC bridge, we did not know who we were fighting until now. We urge all traders to be cautious and vigilant. Highstreet has no intention of compromising its own project, especially given that we were named one of the top 50 best restaurant partners and that we are about to launch a pledge with Gudchain. "
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