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Autonolas Opens Voting on Proposal to "Reduce Near-Term Inflation in OLAS"

2024-06-09 15:21:49
A proposal by Autonolas, an AI project, to "reduce near-term OLAS inflation" is open for vote.
The proposal details a revised inflation curve for the OLAS token supply over the next decade, with the aim of delaying inflation increases into the future and balancing the issuance of tokens between staking, binding, and developer rewards.
The current contract allows for the issuance of up to 1 billion OLAS in the first ten years. In the existing model, inflation increased significantly to 71,239,135.50 tokens in the third year, causing market concern.
The new model proposes an inflation adjustment of 40,400,000 tokens in year 3, delaying higher inflation to years 5 and 6, adding 80,000,000 and 72,000,000 tokens respectively to support network growth and innovation, keeping inflation in balance with demand.
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