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[List of recent ECB Governing Council interest rate outlook speeches, all support the June interest rate cut] 1. ECB Governing Council Centeno: Inflation is under control, and the interest rate cut process is...

2024-05-28 20:26:02
< b > [A list of recent ECB Governing Council interest rate outlook speeches, all support the June interest rate cut] < br > < span class = "section-news" > 1. ECB Governing Council Centeno: Inflation is under control, and the interest rate cut process is about to begin. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 2. ECB Governing Council Hernandez de Cos: First interest rate cut in June, and has acted cautiously since then. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 3. ECB Governing Council Centeno: The current increase in real wages is in line with the ECB's inflation target. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 4. ECB Governing Council Holtzmann: Will support the ECB to cut interest rates next week. It is expected to cut interest rates twice in 2024, up to three times. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 5. ECB Governing Council Nagel: The ECB may cut interest rates in June, after which we may need to wait until September to make the next move. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 6. ECB Governing Council Kazax: June seems like the right time to start cutting interest rates, but the decision on follow-up measures is best determined by the upcoming data. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 7. ECB Governing Council Rennes: Inflation is moving towards our 2% target in a sustained manner, so June is the time to ease the monetary policy stance and start cutting interest rates. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 8. ECB Governing Council Villeroy: Barring unexpected circumstances, the ECB will cut interest rates in June, and the ECB should not rule out the possibility of a second rate cut in July.