According to The Information, OpenAI is considering lowering the subscription fee for ChatGPT in the Indian market to $3 to $5 per month, which is up to 85% lower than the current price of $20. At the same time, OpenAI has been in talks with Reliance Industries in India to cover the distribution of ChatGPT services by its subsidiary Jio, and may host models locally in India to expand the application of AI technology in India.
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Mt.Gox抗议者Kolin Burges将在Scare.City拍卖其“标语牌”,起拍价为4.5枚BTC,拍卖将于4月3日结束。2014年2月,当时全球最大的比特币交易所Mt.Gox冻结提现业务后Kolin Burges从伦敦飞到东京,手里拿着一张手写的纸板标语,上面写道“Mt.Gox,我的钱在哪里(MTGOX WHERE IS OUR MONEY)”引起了国际媒体的关注,几天后Mt.Gox申请破产。
Al Agent产品“Manus”公布其收费方案。ManusStarter每月收费39美元,可获得3900积分,最多可以同时运行2个任务。ManusPro每月收费199美元,可获得19900积分最多可以同时运行5个任务,同时支持使用高投入模式和其他测试功能。积分是Manus使用的标准计量单位,任务越复杂或越耗时,所需积分越多。据其官网举例,对设计并部署一个独特的个人网站这样的复杂任务来说,需花费6...