Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said on March 17 local time that the phone conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Trump is being prepared on the topic of the agenda, the main topic is to mediate the Ukraine issue. In response to reporters' questions about the preparation time of the call, Peskov said that similar phone talks can be completed in a short time. Earlier in the day, Peskov said that Putin and Trump will have a phone call on March 18. Trump also said on the evening of the 16th local time that he plans to call Putin on the 18th.
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这家总部位于苏黎世的公司将以分布式账本技术(DLT)运营交易设施,简化代币化金融工具的交易流程。BX Digital 将利用以太坊区块链促进直接资产转移,无需中央证券存管机构等中介参与。