The Lido dual governance interpreter has been released
2024-04-18 23:50:08
Lido posted that the dual governance interpreter has been posted to the Lido forum, and the temperature check snapshot voting will go live on April 18. If the vote passes, the testnet is expected to be deployed in the third quarter and the mainnet in the fourth quarter. Dual governance allows stETH holders to postpone any proposed changes to the Lido protocol in a worst-case scenario until it completely withdraws ETH from the protocol. The goal of dual governance is to prevent LDO holders from changing the social contract between the protocol and stETH holders without their consent.
Previously, in July 2023, Lido DAO contributor Marin Tvrdić said during the EthCC event that Lido DAO members are promoting a dual governance model that would give Lido users, including those who pledge Ethereum and hold stETH, veto power over governance proposals approved by LDO holders.