Oil prices surged again after a hiatus on Tuesday, breaking through key resistance in one fell swoop. Investment banks pointed out that the cold winter has "added icing on the cake" to the rise in oil prices, and the release of output by OPEC + will not lead to an increase in global oil depots? > >
2025-01-16 11:32:26
Oil prices surged again after a hiatus on Tuesday, breaking through key resistance in one fell swoop. Investment banks pointed out that the cold winter has "added icing on the cake" to the rise in oil prices, and OPEC + release of output will not lead to a rise in global oil depots? > < br > < img src = "https://img.jin10.com/news/25/01/DDr53tk71DXXiYW8QRqIP.jpg/lite" referrerpolicy = "no-referrer" >
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At the end of the morning, the main contracts of domestic futures rose more and fell less. Fuel oil, Shanghai silver, butadiene rubber, SC crude oil, coke rose more than 2%, low-sulfur fuel oil (LU), asphalt, coking coal rose nearly 2%; in terms of decline, the European line fell more than 4%, alumina...