On January 11, re-staking platform Swell announced that the Wavedrop 2 Checker has been launched, and users can now check the rewards they can claim in Wavedrop 2. Swell also said that claims are expected to open on January 22, and Wavedrop 1 claims will also be reopened on Swellchain at the same time. Currently, migration from the mainnet has been suspended for convenience.
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特朗普家族加密项目World Liberty Financial Inc.(WLFI)官方宣布计划推出稳定币USD1,该稳定币可以1:1兑换美元,将100%由短期美国政府国债、美元存款和其他现金等价物支持,最初将在以太坊和BSC区块链上铸造,计划在未来扩展到其他协议,据悉USD1储备将由BitGo托管。