On December 28th, Bio Protocol co-creator Paul Kohhaas said in a speech on the theme Space of Rhythm BlockBeats yesterday that when he communicated with CZ, he admitted that Bio Protocol can produce about 6-7 Desic DAOs a year, and CZ believes that the number is slightly small, and it takes too long to start an ecological project. But in the continuous building, Paul Kohhaas and Bio Protocol have become increasingly familiar with the startup process of a DAO, and now hope to automate the startup process of DAO projects. It is expected that the automation will greatly shorten the time for DAOs to complete the startup process, thus enabling more and more DAOs to appear in the Bio Protocol ecosystem. Currently, according to its automated process, the team has reviewed 20-30 DAOs internally, of which 10 DAOs have basically completed the process. It is expected that 15-20 DAOs will be launched through the launchpad cold start in Q1 next year.
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据 CoinDesk 报道,德国斯图加特证券交易所旗下 BX Digital 已获得瑞士金融市场监管局(FINMA)批准,可运营数字资产交易和结算平台,成为瑞士首家获此类许可的机构。
这家总部位于苏黎世的公司将以分布式账本技术(DLT)运营交易设施,简化代币化金融工具的交易流程。BX Digital 将利用以太坊区块链促进直接资产转移,无需中央证券存管机构等中介参与。