On December 22nd, the Israeli public broadcaster quoted Israeli sources as saying on the evening of December 21st local time that the Israeli delegation is still in Doha, Qatar to continue participating in the Gaza ceasefire talks and is not close to reaching an agreement. The source said that the relevant parties are still divided in the negotiations and need more time to achieve a breakthrough and reach an agreement acceptable to all parties.
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美国众议院金融服务委员会主席 French Hill 在华盛顿举行的区块链峰会上表示,新版加密市场结构法案修订草案将在未来几天公布,这是去年众议院通过的‘21世纪金融创新与技术法案’(FIT21)的更新版本。该法案尚未在本届国会正式提出,但去年曾在众议院获得通过,71 名民主党议员支持,包括前议长南希·佩洛西。Hil...