On December 10, an anonymous senior official of the US government told the media on the 8th that the US government does not rule out removing the Syrian "Sham Liberation Organization" from the list of terrorist organizations designated by the United States in order to establish closer ties with it. The official said at a media briefing organized by the US National Security Council on the 8th that the US will "make wise decisions based on the actual situation, with a cautious and pragmatic attitude" in the process of contacting a number of Syrian opposition forces, including the "Sham Liberation Organization". The official said that the "Sham Liberation Organization" is an important part of the transition process of the Syrian government, and the US government intends to engage with it in an appropriate manner on the premise that it is in line with the interests of the United States.
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美国众议院金融服务委员会主席 French Hill 在华盛顿举行的区块链峰会上表示,新版加密市场结构法案修订草案将在未来几天公布,这是去年众议院通过的‘21世纪金融创新与技术法案’(FIT21)的更新版本。该法案尚未在本届国会正式提出,但去年曾在众议院获得通过,71 名民主党议员支持,包括前议长南希·佩洛西。Hil...