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South Korea's ruling party passes decision: Oppose impeachment of Yoon Seok-yeok

2024-12-04 16:27:10
According to Yonhap News Agency on the morning of the 5th, the ruling National Power Party of South Korea has held a plenary meeting of the party's lawmakers and passed a decision against the impeachment of President Yoon Seok-yuk. Yonhap News Agency also reported that the South Korean opposition party reported to the plenary session of the National Assembly on the morning of the 5th the impeachment motion against President Yoon Seok-yuk. The National Assembly will vote on the 6th to 7th. Yoon Seok-yuk issued an emergency statement at the presidential palace in Yongsan, Seoul on the evening of the 3rd, issuing an emergency martial law order, and announced the lifting of martial law 6 hours later. Several opposition parties in South Korea initiated an impeachment motion against the president to the National Assembly on the afternoon of the 4th.
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