On November 29th, the index rebounded in the morning. As of the noon close, the Shanghai index rose by 1.59%, the Shenzhen stock index rose by 2.41%, and the growth enterprises market index rose by 3.83%. On the disk, large consumer sectors such as food and beverage and brewing continued to strengthen, and many stocks such as Happy Home, Fragrant Piao Piao Piao, Gui Faxiang, Black Sesame, and McQuire rose by the daily limit. The concept of robots was active, with Seiko and Keli Sensing rising by the daily limit. In addition, securities, textile and clothing, insurance, auto parts, diversified finance, and cross-border e-commerce concepts were among the top gainers; aviation, airports, gas, games, glass fiber, and IP economic concepts were among the top decliners.
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特朗普提名的美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席 Paul Atkins 将于当地时间周四上午出席参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会的确认听证会。
Paul Atkins 在准备好的发言稿中表示:“美国金融体系当前的监管环境阻碍了投资,而且常常惩罚成功者,不明确、过于复杂和繁琐的监管正在扼杀资本形成,而美国投资者则被大量披露信...
3月27日消息,考虑到冲击劳动力市场的所有因素——其中最主要的是政府效率部(DOGE)主导的联邦政府裁员——每周的失业救济金申请人数能保持如此稳定,着实令人惊讶。在过去的一年里,这一数字从未高于26万人,也未低于20.5万人,而且过去四周的数据尤其稳定。High Frequency Economics的分析师写道:今天的这份报告中,肯定没有劳动力市场走弱的迹象。(金十)